Kodi on Smart TV - setup

 This player is particularly popular among hobbyists. Due to the obviousness of the impersonal function, it is easy to operate it manually or simply. KODI supports all the most popular and widest media file formats. The player interface is simple and intuitive. The management and adjustment remain easy to look at.

                                                                                                        Kodi on Android TV

Right up to the point of adjusting the player, it is clear that you need to know and install it, as well as prepare and know what is ready. The program is full of volume.

Instructions for downloading: https://kodi.tv/download/

Setting up

It is important for us to be clear about which device the KODI player is going to be played on. It is also important to know what operating system a particular device runs on.


tablet computer, smartphone, Raspberry PI device;

TV with Smart TV function, mini OS on Android;

personal computer or laptop (the operating system is of no importance).

For the player to work, the M3U format must be available. A special feature of the format is the presence of a link embedded in the catalog, which will ensure the broadcast of channels. Other formats will not work: KODI only works with the intended ones. It is important to note that if you choose something that is not suitable for programming, the player cannot be processed correctly.

It is with special respect that we select the version of the programmer. After completing this task, you can purchase the player and install it.

For example, if the Android operating system is installed on the TV, it is best to download the player from Google Play. Sometimes people get stuck with mercy, most often due to the inconsistency of the player with a specific device. The version of the operating system in the described application is not lower than 4.2. Before downloading and installing, it is recommended to check the current version of the Vimogam OS.

Setting up KODI is not to blame for problems. The player's distributors provided the report with instructions. It is important to be aware of this, because the correctness of the training ensures the effectiveness of the program.

1.After starting the device on which you plan to play the program, you need to select the TV mode. After this, in the “System” section, you need to go to “Adjustment”, select the “Zagalni” menu and go to the next one. In the PVR IPTV Simple Client section you need to select ON.

2.Next you need to connect the selected accessory to your KODI player. At "Nalastuvanny" you need to indicate directions before arriving. For whom you can vikoristati posilannya on it;

3.Coming deadline – activation of the EPG program. In “Vlastivost”, in the “PVR IPTV Simple Client” section, you need to know the “EPG Installation” section, and in the next row, “Ways to XML TV”. There is no need to vikorize the bows when performing the way;

4.The player needs to be restarted. It is recommended to close all windows first. On average, the restart takes 10-15 seconds.

After the re-entry is completed, the customer will be informed about this notification. The information will be displayed on the screen of the device. After setting up, the “TV” item will appear in the main menu.

                                                                                                    Kodi on other Android TV devices

Since Smart TV does not have the Android TV system, not everything is included. You can also install Kodi on other keys, a TV box with Android TV or systems based on Android TV. Axis of devices that are also compatible with the media center, which you can check if your smart TV is not compatible with Kodi:

Google Chromecast with Google TV

Xiaomi Mi TV Box S

Amazon Fire TV Stick Lite | Standard | 4K | 4K Max

Amazon Fire TV Cube

Shield TB Nvidia

Nvidia Shield TV Pro

Note. On some of these Kodi devices, you can install it simply by clicking on the retailer settings or by enabling the ability to install third-party programs through a third-party store. As you like, at the end of the post you have an explanation of how you can defeat this process, as it is your failure.

Install add-ons on Kodi

As we already guessed, one of the great advantages of Kodi is the ability to install all extensions from different browsers. The Kodi extension is available from the repository. Kodi comes with a number of standard repositories, divided into different categories such as images, music, videos and programs. However, you can also manually add repositories found on the Internet to download items directly.

 Basic installation additionally

The first application we know is how to install the superbud from the Kodi repositories, for example, install the Plex service:

1.Gain access to the program parameters indicated by the typical gear icon.

2. Go to the sound system in the “Add-ons” menu.

3. Write the name “Plex”, and if you have a list of possible additions, you must deny access to the correct one. In this case, this one is called "Scrip - Plex". Press here.

4. Appearing in the middle of the additional service, you simply need to click “Install”, and when the “Additional additional services” menu appears, click “Accept”.

After the installation is complete, you can open the extension in Kodi and, of course, go to Plex to deny access to all the directories that you have saved on your server.

Installation of additional supplements for the koristuvach

If you are a more experienced user, you can also install add-ons from the Internet or from unofficial Kodi repositories. It is recommended to operate with caution; if you try it, you may jeopardize the security of your Smart TV.

Activate "Invisible Dzherela"

The first thing you need to do is to activate the installed program from “Invisible Devices”. For whom should you sign these actions:

Go to the gear icon in the Kodi main menu.

Go to “System settings”.

On the left side panel, go to the “Add-ons” option.

Install the ensign "Invisible Dzherel".

Add to koristuvach's repository

You've completed all this time, now you can add repositories you can find on the Internet and look through their lists to install new Kodi add-ons. Add your own repositories, get it like this:

1. Click on the gear in the Kodi main menu.

2.Go to the file manager.

3.Tap “Add dzherelo”.

4.Add the service URL you need to add and accept changes.

By purchasing the Explorer addon, you will be able to gain access to new plugins that are available in these new repositories.

Install downloads in zip format

You can also install your Kodi for Android TV. plugins attracted from the Internet. For this reason, it is important that you have previously activated the installation of programs with unknown steps. Immediately after this, you will need to connect to the TV the storage device from the program you want to install, and then download the following:

1. From the Kodi main menu, go to the add-ons browser.

2.Enter the “Install from ZIP file” option.

3.To find the file, use your Kodi Explorer. You can install plugins that connect the disk to the TV or stream from another computer in a local stream or send it to an additional NAS. There are a lot of different options.

4. Find the file and wait for installation. Then you can launch the program from the Kodi main menu section.

How to change Kodi interface (skins)

The original interface, like Kodi, was incredibly challenging and confusing, and we gradually decorated our menus to make it look more user-friendly and user-friendly. However, this becomes even more special, and it will certainly be difficult for you to follow the proposals of the industry. For these reasons, there are skins, plugins that can change the current appearance of the menu and that you can install to your liking.

To change your Kodi skin, we need to enter the following:

1.Open the settings panel (gear icon).

2.Select Interface.

3.In the middle, select the Skin option to select a new one.

4.Two main skins appear in the standard configuration, Estochy and Estuary, but you can customize them however you want by clicking “Outcome more.”

You will want to access downloadable skins, such as AppTV, that are similar to the Apple TV menu. Or Unity, which presents very clean and simple menus that help with navigation.

Which version of Kodi do I need to install?

The version of Kodi 20.0 (Nexus) remains available and its distributors are currently supporting and releasing updates. It will be released on June 15, 2023 and will replace version 19 of “The Matrix”, which will begin on June 2019.

Before this, we played Kodi 18, or, more recently, “Leya”, which also died, and we no longer recommend vikoristing, as you are wondering, to keep up with the times and keep everything under control without compromising.

Before the new Code 20.0 it looks like this:

1.New subtitle configuration parameters (now you can dynamically change the font, background and position, as well as richly colored subtitles)

2.HDR support on the Windows desktop

3. Support for AV1 video codec.

4. Game Savestate support (to save money, I’ll start playing at any hour, although the name itself doesn’t suggest this option)

5. Involvement of several examples of one and the same binary complement

6. Sustainability from NFSv4

7. Enhanced context menu to make it more intuitive

8. Improved productivity, improved safety, stability and benefits

This version is now available for Windows, Linux, MacOS Android, iOS, tvOS and Raspberry Pi.

Be careful with the superstructures you install

 As you can see, both the repositories of the customer and the installation of additional resources from the Internet allow you to get the maximum output from your TV. There are a lot of repositories, games, and Kodi games in which you can access all types of content without the need to register. Of course, be careful with what you install because you may end up with malicious software on your TV. First of all, proceed before installing the software, check that this is a reliable program with a great reputation in the world.

For the sake of you, we do not intend to install an add-on for watching football without cost, as many people who install Kodi on their TV, key or mobile phone, will ruin it for the same reason. Tim no less, we advise you to download the program that you are going to install. Install additional additions, behind which there is great strength, and first of all, given by their creators. There are a lot of viruses and nasty programs that masquerade as this type of malware, so be careful.

There is a lot of information about these programs on the Internet on forums and Telegram groups, so we recommend that you do some research to find out what additional help you can get. your Smart TV. Sure, we can read more. We don’t want any problems with the law, if you want to access these types of unofficial requests that allow you to deny access to content without going through verification, you will have to find out on your own.

Add your hard drive to Kodi

 Kodi is a media center. І content that can be created through someone, either on the Internet or locally. You can connect an external hard drive (HDD or SSD) to your TV using Kodi and connect a simple flash drive.

 For whom do you write the following:

1.Connect your saving device to your Smart TV (or the device on which you are using Kodi) via the USB port.

2.Exit “Video” from the main menu if you want to add movies or TV series. Then click "Files".

3. From the list, select the “Add video” option.

4.Press "Poshuk".

5.Find a memory device from the new list, connected to the TV.

6. Look again and click “OK”. You don't need to add video to video. You can select an entire folder, and the whole thing will be transferred to Kodi.

7.Name your location using an additional on-screen keyboard. Then click "OK".

8.Then a master will appear who will ask you about the type of imported content. It’s best to separate movies, documentaries and TV series onto your hard drive or flash drive before starting the process.

9.Take and scan. You can now access the site directly from the main tab via the Kodi main menu.

When it comes to creating content on the right, Kodi has a wonderful variety of formats and codecs. If the video does not work for you, try updating your Kodi system to the latest available version.

                                                                                                  Install Kodi on other devices (not Android TV)

As we already mentioned earlier, there are still no programs compiled for any other Smart TV operating system other than Android. But calm down, because there is another solution, although not without costs.

To be able to use Kodi on TVs from Samsung, LG and others without the Google system, you need to add an external device based on Android TV.

The process of their installation is very similar to the one we described in this article, and the parts and accessories are installed on the same system, which we already mentioned earlier. The only difference is that on some models we will be able to download the program directly from the official Kodi website. For this we need a program for storing files with a powerful browser, as is available in the Amazon Fire Stick. This program, for example, can be “Zavantazhuvachem”, cat-free from the Amazon program store.

Now is the time to start using Kodi on your Smart TV to get the most out of it.